Tis is an article that I got from the web which i thought would be useful.So many doubdts to start reading or prep for andhra pg???for those who cant compete for AIIMS/PGI…there is always a dilema what to read..etc etc?so here’s what i make out.
1.decide to read 10-12 hrs /day
2.follow a strict schedule.
3.exam date is fixed ..ie in month of feb for sure….so only 5 months to go…20 subjects to read.
4.need NOT join any coachin classes if ur determined to settle soon in life without wasting time.
5.write weekly tests.
6.follow salgunan…solve every subject from backwards till 1995 yr bits retrospectively.
7.read standard text books cover to cover…that too in a mcq oriented mind..not like prep for final exam.
8.if u follow the previous papers of ap pg carefully,final yr part1 &2 subjects make up nearly 150 marks…so concentrate on them.
9.short books are only for revision.not the main books..use them judiciously.
10.prepare gist of tough,nagging qs.11.dont waste time on unnecessary resultless discussions….try to group discuss but only entr oriented.
12.prep must be intensive not extensive.
13.jan 2007 and feb are for revision, omkarnath appg book and ur notes.
14.finally,exam hall prep..is a ,must…..3 hrs,pen marking…..so be careful..think twice before u ink.
15.lastly,if u see the last 2 yrs the Qs r predomin clinical oriented…like AIIMS…so better if u have time go through www. Smarteach.com and see your self. No need to worry about your PG now you can prepare for your own home convenient time
190 - Empyema necessitans
12 years ago